Sunday, January 6, 2013

365 in 365: Images 001 through 006

Back in 2011, I had created an album on Facebook called "365 in 365."  My plan was to have one picture for every day of the year.  I did pretty well, but I would say a quarter of the pictures were "placeholders" for a date, taken either a day or two before or after the date it was assigned.  I was able to maintain the project well into September, but faltered at the end of the year.

For 2013, my plan is to make weekly blog posts with pictures taken during that week.  Hopefully, this will put me on a path to be more diligent in taking pictures.  Finding new subjects or locales may be a struggle, but at least it will be an outside interest to distract me from work.

Here are the images for this week

No. 001:  01-01-13
Jill giving me my second New Year's kiss

No. 002:  01-02-13
Our failed furnace to start 2013 auspiciously
I didn't say all the pictures would be exciting!

No. 003:  01-03-13
Brand new Lowry Avenue Bridge in Mpls - Opened October 2012

No. 004:  01-04-13
The Uptown Theatre in the Mpls neighborhood of the same name

No. 005:  01-05-13
Sunset from the Robert Street Bridge in St. Paul

No. 006:  01-06-13
G-Bug, No. 36 center, facing, tracking a pass

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