Monday, January 7, 2013

Of Resolutions and Traditions

As you can see above, I have continued my New Year's tradition of making snow angels in my underwear.  Going on four years straight!

The other timeless tradition of the New Year is the list of resolutions.  Here are the ones I chose to focus on for 2013:

  • Post at least 315 pictures for the "365 in 365" project for 2013.  
    • I know this seems cheap, but it is over 85% of the year and I didn't get through September the last time I tried it, so it's an improvement.
    • Must keep in mind that "nothing is boring" and keep myself open to any chance to take a picture
  • Make at least 6 posts per month to my "Novel Ideas" blog
    • Four of these posts can be weekly updates to my "365 in 365" project
    • Just need 2-3 ideas a month to write about
  • Lose 11% of my body weight, roughly 2 pounds per month
    • 25 pounds total (200 lbs at year end)
    • Exercise 3x a week:  at gym or walking/jogging around a lake
    • Drink more water/juices and less soda
  • Have +$360 in savings account by year end
    • Transfer $15 every paycheck into savings
    • Adjust 401K deductions
    • Consider consolidation loan
    • Budget, budget, budget!
Thanks to goal creation activities at work, I was able to make the resolutions SMART resolutions:  Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely.  It will be interesting to see how well I do.

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