Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome to the Club!

Six weeks is too long a time between blog posts and two weeks is too long a time between bowling sessions.  The league had its first week of the second season yesterday and I feel as though I have carpal tunnel as I type this entry.  I was eagerly anticipating the re-start of the bowling season as I was able to get over 200 pins during the final game (complete with Tebowing) before the holiday break.  This was one of the life goals I had determined for myself after listening to the motivational speaker, Dan Thurmon.  It didn’t take long before my hope devolved into resignation, then into despair, and finally into “DAMMIT!”
Last night, we were able to win the first game, but got our collective asses handed to us in the second, and less so in the third.  The Gutter Snipes will start the second season with a 2 – 5 record; not a particularly strong start from our third place showing in the first half, just eight wins from first place, four from second, and 3 above fourth. 
This was just the first week of 15, so we have plenty of time.  I did get my named mentioned in the list of “High Game Handicap – Men” with a 275, so I’ve got THAT going for me.
The high-low range of games and series for me are 223 – 95 and 509 – 368.
Here is the recap of the last several weeks:

January 5, 2012

Game 1
X, 8-, S81, 9/, 9/, X, 9/, X, X, 8- = 168

Game 2
8-, 9-, 7-, 71, 8/, 18, 9-, 9/, X, S71 = 107

Game 3
9-, S62, X, S62, X, 8/, 9/, 9-, X, 7/9 = 149

Series Total:    424
Series Avg.:     141
Season Avg.:    143
Season Hdcp.:  51

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

I’m back in the saddle again and hope to stay on it for more than the full eight seconds.  I've mentioned before, I haven’t had the greatest history in keeping at creative projects.  I had started a “365 Pictures in 365 Days” album on Facebook and got to about the third week of August before letting it die on the vine.
The picture above is just a sampling of how I rang in the New Year.  Those aren’t naked snow angels, but they’re close.  I was wearing my Batman boxer briefs, a plastic tiara, and a smile while making them.  I have video, too, but don’t worry; G-Bug shot the video, so there’s nothing weird.
I have a lot of material to update via blog posts, including my first ever 200-game in bowling; a holiday trip to Disney World; and . . . well, I guess that’s about it.  I created a Twitter account @Greybeardblog, which I hope will increase my readership and keep me motivated.  LinkedIn now allows people to add their Twitter accounts to their profiles, but I don’t think any future, potential employers will be much impressed by my list of favorite fart tweets.
I have to say, I’m really looking forward to having a good 2012.  The last 12 months have been a series of tragedies both large and small, ranging from the passing of former in-laws to the debacle that was the Red Sox 2011 season.  I really was not feeling the holiday spirit as the year wound down, but at least my Scrooginess got us a 33% discount on a Christmas tree (funny story).
So, here’s to new beginnings and well wishes to everyone for a wondrous and joyful 2012!