Sunday, April 14, 2013

Winners Advertising: September 1994

With the advent of Caller ID, I believe Door-to-Door salesman has replaced Telemarketer as THE most annoying type of salesperson.  Granted, Telemarketers have the advantage of numbers and the persistence of rabid dogs to garner some first place votes, but they can be fairly easily avoided.  However, nothing chaps my ass more than someone banging on my door trying to sell me something.  The very activity is counter to the shopping experience.  What should happen is a consumer develops a need for a product and then GOES OUT to research and to find a solution.  What is sold as “customer convenience” is really intrusive and uncomfortable.  Door-to-door sales calls are like prostate exams.

When I want or need to buy something, I will shop for it at a store of my choosing and at a time convenient for me.  I’m denied both when a salesman comes a-calling.  The person has no idea if I’m tying one on, sleeping one off, or rubbing one out.  The fact I might be doing any combination of the three should make door-to-door salespeople uncomfortable enough to stop the practice.

This is how I would rank the worst sales person jobs as a customer, from most to least annoying:

1.) Door-to-Door
2.) Telemarketing
3.) Mall Kiosk
4.) Used Car
5.) Time Share

I know of what I speak.  For an entire week, I was a D2D salesperson, selling punch cards for a restaurant in the surrounding suburbs of Massachusetts.  I was on the job for five days, but have memories that will last me a lifetime.

I was just out of college and was looking at the end of a temp job my aunt found for me in Boston.  I scoured the Want Ads and found an ad for a company looking for people to sell in a “fun, fast paced environment” and offered to train the “right individual” on a “fast track to management.”  I believe the ad mentioned a sports theme as an added hook.  There wasn’t an address to send a resume as interested applicants were encouraged to call.  I did, and set-up an interview for later that week.

The interview went well as I completed some paperwork and met with the location manager, an odd, mousy guy who would shake hands without allowing his elbow to leave his side, forcing the other person to come to him.  I think this was an intentional tactic.  He asked me to return early on the following Monday to meet some of the other people in the office.  I was excited, but a little perplexed as he stressed that I should wear comfortable shoes.

Friday, April 12, 2013

I Should Have Sat Down

This image may look like I’m trying to frame the picture correctly on my iPhone, but the truth of the matter is, I needed to position my head like this to fit into the airplane lavatory.  My shoulder is actually butt up against the angled wall at the back of the space.  I could not turn to face the toilet while standing up.  I had to position myself by putting my knees against either side of the toilet in a way that must have been reminiscent of POW’s stuck in tiger cages in Vietnam.

As I relieve myself, I notice the stream doesn’t have the flow or direction that correlates to the sensation of volume I’m feeling.  I look down and confirm I’m having a Top-Bottom dual stream effect and the lower one is hitting the front of the toilet seat and my shoes.  I do a Kegel pinch & push to get a single stream to complete the task.  I zip up and make an assessment of the damage.

I have a small spray pattern on my pants, but nothing noticeable.  What was noticeable was the puddle of piss between my shoes, and I don’t think all of it was mine.  When I boarded the plane, there was an unmistakable smell of urine.  I put the seat down to sit and throw wads of toilet paper on the puddle.  I use my feet to mop up the piss and grab another bunch of paper to pick up the wad and throw it in the toilet.  A quick dab of hand sanitizer completes the clean-up.  When I get back to my seat, I can see more spray pattern on my shoes.  Next time, although it isn’t manly, I’m just going to sit down, or maybe hold it until the plane lands.

365 in 365: Images 084 to 090

Most of my posts get about 10 to 15 reads, which is probably evenly split between friends on Facebook and followers on Twitter.  I appreciate the attention, but I would like to have a little more.  At times I wonder if my posts, especially the picture ones, are worth doing.  Then I realize if I'm posting for other people I'm missing the point of the blog.  What I post is really for me, and if other people like what they read and see, so much the better.  With that in mind, here are my next week of pictures.  Enjoy!  I know I do.

No. 084:  03-25-13
Still plenty of ice on Lake Calhoun this late in March

No. 085:  03-26-13
One of G-Bug's other pursuits, the flute

No. 086:  03-27-13 (place holder)
The base of the Rand Tower, where I worked for ARC

No. 087:  03-28-13
Theater District, Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis

No. 088:  03-29-13
A friend's birthday celebration at Texas Roadhouse.
Thought I would get in on the fun.

No. 089:  03-30-13
Great way to celebrate a birthday, cake and flavored booze

No. 090:  03-31-13
A sculpture commemorating the 100th anniversary of the
St. Paul Winter Carnival at Lake Phalen

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Bowling Results: Second Half

We’re coming to the end of the 2012-13 Mixed Bowling League, with just one more week remaining.  This week was the “Position Round” to finalize the standings and next week will be the championship week.  Unfortunately, I will miss the last week of bowling due to business travel (opportunity for new photos in my “365 in 365” picture project!).
Essentially, the winner of the first half of the season plays the winner of the second half.  The Gutter Snipes were just a game behind the second and third place teams for the second half, but the first place team really pulled ahead and lead by more than a dozen games.  They didn’t place too well in the first half, which I attribute to serious sandbagging. We played the third place team and took 5 of 7 possible points.  The Gutter Snipes will place third for the season, but probably will have the second highest win total.

For myself, I had a slow start to the second half, but have really turned it on of late.  I was able to get a 200 game last week for a total series of 560, my highest I believe.  Unfortunately, I need at least a 640 series to be recognized as a man.  I mean that almost literally as the list of high series from men range from almost 800 down to 640.  Anything below that is unremarkable.

Here are my scores to close out the second half:

February 7, 2013
Game 1
7/, S72, 8/, X, 9-, X, X, X, 7/, 9- = 179

Game 2
9-, 9/, 9/, X, X, X, 81, 71, 9-, 9-, = 160

Game 3
X, 72, 9-, 61, 61, 8/, S8/, 8-, X, S72 = 122

Series Total:       462
Series Avg.:        154
Season Avg.:      147
Season Hdcp:     47