Sunday, August 11, 2013

365 in 365: Images 147 through 153

Doubling up the picture posts this afternoon.  Most of these pictures are a hodgepodge of scenes around Minneapolis.  However, one picture was taken from the top of the Witch's Hat Water Tower.  Like a dialed down Brigadoon, once a year, visitors are allowed to climb to the top of the tower to survey the landscape during an ice cream social.  I've known about the event for a few years now, but have missed it because I either forgot or was severely hungover from a Vegas trip.  This year, I put the event on my iPhone calendar and made it in spite of the rainy weather.

No. 147:  05-27-2013
The Wifey's grandparent's tree has brown leaves in the Spring.

No. 148:  05-28-2013
One more snow pile in Minneapolis a few days before June.

No. 149:  05-29-2013
A monument on Hennepin Ave. to Thomas Lowry of which a tunnel
nearby gets its name.

No. 150:  05-30-2013 (placeholder)
I can't believe I didn't make plans to take a "milestone" picture for
the 150th picture; instead, have to use a placeholder.

No. 151:  05-31-2013
A view of Minneapolis from the Witch's Hat Water Tower.
You can see the U of M hospital dominating the right of the picture
and the soon to be defunct Metrodome in the center.

No. 152:  06-01-2013
A scene from the Mill City Market, which runs from late May
to early October.

No. 153:  06-02-2013 (placeholder)
At the Mill City Museum, there are a series of posts with
railroad signals.

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