This is the first, and will probably be the least read, entry of my new blog. I imagine some friends will read this post (and I appreciate your support), but when the Novel Ideas blog really makes a splash in two years, and I sell the movie rights in five years, a la “Julie and Julia,” a very small percentage of my followers will have read the first entry. So be it.
I’ve considered starting a blog many times, but looking back at the number of attempts I’ve started and stopped keeping a journal, I didn’t think I would stay with it enough to make it worthwhile. Only time will tell if I actually stay current with this effort. What really pushed me to try, though, was the 365 Pictures in 365 Days album I created on Facebook. I haven’t been diligent in taking a picture on each of the 100 plus days that have passed so far this year, but I have taken enough pictures to have “place holders” on the days I didn’t. With each picture I’ve made a comment explaining the scene. At times, the comments are generic descriptors, but other times, they have been quite funny – both to my and The Wife’s (when this blog blows up, I want to keep her anonymity) sensibilities.
I thought, perhaps a blog would be a great way to keep my comedic chops honed as I tried to work on other writing projects – some of which might not be so funny. The Wife thinks I have a wonderful sense of humor and should incorporate it more in my writing, but finding the time to write anything has been hard for me. The truth is, I can probably find the time, but I need to find the dedication. My hope is the occasional funny, clever, snide, or self-deprecating take on a random topic will keep me focused on writing – my one true vocational passion.
I don’t know what this blog will become, but if my previous writing experience is any indication, there will be some things that will make you laugh, some saucy language, and a pretty good dose of postings of me venting, or venting entries, or “ventries©.” Before anyone gets any ideas, I‘ve already copyrighted the term! So, with modest fanfare, here is the kick-off to Captain Greybeard’s Novel Ideas. Thank you for your patronage!
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