Saturday, October 8, 2011

Results Were Mixed

I had a very slow start to my bowling play the other night.  Like a pitcher who can’t get a good feel on the ball to throw his off-speed pitches, I couldn’t seem to find the right angle to throw my hook.  I left a lot of slop on the right side of the lanes and had the hardest time cleaning it up.  I was able to get three marks through 17 frames before going to Plan B, which had me go back to my roots and throw a straight ball.  I was able to set a new single game high score for the season in the third game.
Handicap at start of play:  59
Game 1
9 -,S8 -, 8 1, 0 7, 7 2, X, 9 -, 7 2, 8 -, 8 1 = a bag of shit (95)

Game 2
9 -, 9 -, 8 /, X, 9 -, 9 -, S8 1, X, X, 9 / 8 = 151

Game 3
9 /, 8 1, 9 /, 8 -, X, X, X, 7 -, 8 /, X 8 / = 174

Series Total:  420
Series Avg.:  140
Season Avg.:  135

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