Sunday, February 17, 2013

365 in 365: Images 042 to 048

Here is the next batch of pictures to round out the week ending today.  I should be all caught up now.  Some highlights of the upcoming week is my 50th picture of the project.  I'll try to do something special for all of you have stuck it out with me for the last 48 pictures so far.
No. 042:  02-11-13
Crappy cell phone picture.  It's a model of the Wright Brothers airplane
with a banner with my company name flowing behind.
Orville was born in Dayton & both brothers died there.

No. 043:  02-12-13
The dining room at the Masonic Center in Dayton

No. 044:  02-13-13
Does a new day start after midnight or after a few hours sleep?
Some "dead soldiers" left in the wee hours of 02/13.

No. 045:  02-14-13
Valentine's Day
In Minnesota, we get it on just to stay warm!

365 in 365: Images 035 to 041

Gonna do a double whammy this week on the Year in Pictures project as I had to travel to Dayton for work on Sunday and my work computer does not have all the bells and whistles necessary to do a decent blog post.  Otherwise, I would have been right there in my hotel room, blogging away.  So here is Week 6 of pictures.

No. 035:  02-04-13
Amateur snow sculptures near Lake Calhoun

No. 036:  02-05-13
Capitol Building in St. Paul

No. 037:  02-06-13
Jill digging around in the snow.  My friends and family in
New England will be unimpressed with the snow level.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Financial Ventry

I’ve got 99 problems and money is involved in all of them.  I suppose I should look at all the good things I have and consider myself lucky, but then how do I feel the enjoyment of bitching?  After a pretty tough 2012 and looking at a looming financial horizon, what with G-Bug three years away from graduating high school, I wanted to get on a more disciplined path.  I’ve taken much of the doom & gloom reporting about retirement and the saving habits of the average American to heart and wanted to avoid being another statistic.

For New Year’s, I gave myself a moderate resolution of having an additional $360 in savings by the end of 2013.  For someone who lives from check to check, socking away $15 from 24 out of 26 paychecks in a year seemed a decent place to start.  I also wanted to bump up my 401K contribution rate to 5%, the top level where my company would match (100% match for the first 3%, then 50% match for the next 2%).  There are also a few debts I wanted to pay down in 2013, so I felt I had a good plan in place to save some, pay some, and be on my way to build up a good nest egg by the time G-Bug goes to college.

I took time to put together a rudimentary family cash flow plan to track and time all expenses I was responsible for paying as well as my pay days.  I would have to borrow repeatedly against my overdraft protection with ING throughout the year, but I did the same for all of 2012, so I was prepared for it.  When money got really tight, I was able to plan when I would late pay a bill or two until after a pay day, so I wouldn’t be playing so close to the hilt.  If I could budget accordingly, we would start seeing some marked improvement after the summer.

How does that expression go about ‘best laid plans?’  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

365 in 365: Images 028 through 034

My next week of photos include a couple from my business trip to Dallas.  I was attending the ASHRAE show, a trade show for HVAC manufacturers and ksdlafhd sjghadskjh dsg . . . Sorry.  Even I got bored and dozed off.  

This was my first trip, business or otherwise, for 2013.  Interestingly enough, at least for me, the last business trip I took back in October, was also to Dallas.  My next trip will be to Dayton this Sunday, then who knows?  I will make sure to take some pictures, wherever it may be.  Enjoy this week's pics, a little late due to some Super Bowl celebrations.

No. 028:  01-28-13
A statue raised by the Daughters of the Confederacy
outside the Dallas Convention Center


No. 029:  01-29-13
Next to the statue outside the Convention Center is the
Pioneer Cemetery for the settlers of Dallas back in 1850's


No. 030:  01-30-13
Visited the Dallas Zoo and saw one of the 'Ghosts of the Bayou'
