Sunday, February 17, 2013

365 in 365: Images 042 to 048

Here is the next batch of pictures to round out the week ending today.  I should be all caught up now.  Some highlights of the upcoming week is my 50th picture of the project.  I'll try to do something special for all of you have stuck it out with me for the last 48 pictures so far.
No. 042:  02-11-13
Crappy cell phone picture.  It's a model of the Wright Brothers airplane
with a banner with my company name flowing behind.
Orville was born in Dayton & both brothers died there.

No. 043:  02-12-13
The dining room at the Masonic Center in Dayton

No. 044:  02-13-13
Does a new day start after midnight or after a few hours sleep?
Some "dead soldiers" left in the wee hours of 02/13.

No. 045:  02-14-13
Valentine's Day
In Minnesota, we get it on just to stay warm!

No. 046:  02-15-13
Minneapolis taken from Nicollet Island

No. 047:  02-16-13
Something with a more artistic bent.
In the Summer, we actually try to grow flowers in our window box.

No. 048:  02-17-13
Guess who was out of town when the last snow and ice
storm hit Minnesota?

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