Tuesday, February 5, 2013

365 in 365: Images 028 through 034

My next week of photos include a couple from my business trip to Dallas.  I was attending the ASHRAE show, a trade show for HVAC manufacturers and ksdlafhd sjghadskjh dsg . . . Sorry.  Even I got bored and dozed off.  

This was my first trip, business or otherwise, for 2013.  Interestingly enough, at least for me, the last business trip I took back in October, was also to Dallas.  My next trip will be to Dayton this Sunday, then who knows?  I will make sure to take some pictures, wherever it may be.  Enjoy this week's pics, a little late due to some Super Bowl celebrations.

No. 028:  01-28-13
A statue raised by the Daughters of the Confederacy
outside the Dallas Convention Center


No. 029:  01-29-13
Next to the statue outside the Convention Center is the
Pioneer Cemetery for the settlers of Dallas back in 1850's


No. 030:  01-30-13
Visited the Dallas Zoo and saw one of the 'Ghosts of the Bayou'

No. 031:  01-31-13
Early morning on my last day in Dallas (seen in the distance)

No. 032:  02-01-13
Have saved up for the remainder of the winter

No. 033:  02-02-13
G-Bug serving for the first time this season.
Her team won its first game in the second match and won its
first match against the third team of the day.

No. 034:  02-03-13
Enjoying the Super Bowl and a Jack Diet at our local watering hole

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