Sunday, June 2, 2013

365 in 365: Images 091 to 097

The last couple of months have been a whirlwind of business travel, family visits, and illness, so I haven't been as diligent in creating blog posts as I would want.  I have been doing my best to take pictures on a regular basis, so I have quite a few to post, with a fair number of "placeholder" shots to make up the difference.  After a six-month respite, I hope I can get current and stay there.  Here is the next set of pictures, keep in mind these were taken the first week of April, when the weather was still sucky in MN.  Enjoy!

No. 091: 04-01-13
Fallen tree next to Lake Harriet.  I wonder, was anyone around to hear it
make a sound?  That was almost poetic!

No. 092:  04-02-13
Grand Spectacle on Grand Ave. in St. Paul.  They must have positioned
the eyes like that on purpose.

No. 093:  04-03-13 (placeholder)
This must be a hottie in the duck world, as she attracted the attention
of two males.

No. 094:  04-04-13 (placeholder)
The slowly retreating ice on Lake Harriet

No. 095:  04-05-13 (placeholder)
Sunset over the band shell on Lake Harriet

No. 096:  04-06-13
Foggy morning looking at Minneapolis from the Mississippi River Blvd

No. 097:  04-07-13
What I thought would be the first Spring thaw in our backyard

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