Sunday, June 16, 2013

365 in 365: Images 105 through 111

These pictures are from the third week of April.  I was still in the throes of my flu, but still managed to take a business trip to Chicago.  While I was there, a huge thunderstorm had rolled in (a familiar refrain during the year) and most of the highways around the airport were flooded.  I had a 90 minute taxi ride to my hotel, which was only 2.5 miles from the airport.  The combination of illness and inclement weather resulted in a weak crop of pictures, which would explain the couple images of the Company's Aftermarket Parts distributor in Chicago.

No. 105:  04-15-13: (placeholder)

During my convalescence, I watched "Young Adult" on Netflix.  The
opening scenes were of Charlize Theron in her apartment.  
I recognized the distinctive half circle balconies to be of this 
apartment building.

No. 106:  04-16-13:  (placeholder)
The lesser known Disney movie, "Herbie:  The Jailbird"

No. 107:  04-17-13:

This is an old railway car garage from when the Stone Arch Bridge 
was used by trains.  The building has been converted into offices 
for an advertising agency.

No. 108:  04-18-13: (placeholder) 

My job is working with distributors to stock HVAC replacement 
parts for local customers.  This distributor is one of the largest.

No. 109:  04-19-13:

The Parts Manager and I had a business dinner and in 
the parking garage we were directed to these elevators.

No. 110:  04-20-13:  (placeholder)

Just one small section of the distributor's warehouse

No. 111:  04-21-13:

A fleet of tugboats at the ready in the St. Paul area 
of the Mississippi River

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