Sunday, June 2, 2013

365 in 365: Images 098 to 104

This batch of pictures is from the second week of April, when I took a business trip to Louisiana and then had the flu when I returned.  I was able to sack up and get to another G-Bug volleyball tournament as well.  Busy week!

No. 098:  04-08-13
Bourbon Street in New Orleans.  There was a Jazz Festival this week; but
really.  Isn't there something going on on Bourbon St. EVERY week?

No. 099:  04-09-13 (placeholder)
I was in New Orleans two nights, but only hit Bourbon Street
on my first night.  Here's another picture though.

No. 100:  04-10-13
Glad to have a chance to take a special picture for my 100th.  This is one of
the famous houses in Shreveport, LA

No. 101:  04-11-13
Can't seem to avoid the crappy weather, no matter where I go.  Huge
thunderstorm rolled in my one night in Shreveport.  Didn't stop me from
going to the Horseshoe Casino where I took this pic from the garage.

No. 102:  04-12-13
The weekend after I returned from my trip, I was laid up by the flu.

No. 103:  04-13-13 (placeholder)
G-Bug serving during her volleyball tournament.  She has really improved
this area of her game.  Unfortunately, her height will keep her by the net
so she might not get to serve much.

No. 104:  04-14-13
The actual volleyball play date date

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