Monday, March 10, 2014

365 in 365 for 2014: Images 048 through 054

The big event during this week was the first major snowstorm to hit the Twin Cities area. We have had alternating days of frigid cold and light snow throughout the winter, usually no more than 4-5 inches, but nothing like what hit us on Thursday night.  The severe weather warnings started the night before and seemed a bit premature, if not over dramatic as the day started pretty mild. However, because of the expected snowfall, we decided to cancel our bowling week.  It was a good thing we did because at about 2p, the snow really started to come down.  We were given approval to leave work early at 2:30p to avoid major traffic tie-ups.  As more and more people left the office, I found it easier to do my work.  I didn't leave until 4p and was able to make it to downtown St. Paul in 50 minutes; about 10 minutes EARLIER than the route takes me usually.

Since the wife was working late, I decided to take in a Happy Hour at the Bulldog in the Lowertown section of St. Paul.  This has historically been an unassuming area of downtown, away from the hustle and bustle of the Xcel Energy Center and its support network of bars and restaurants; the Ordway Theater; and the Landmark Center.  The Farmer's Market is in Lowertown, a quaint copy of the Minneapolis one.  Now, construction has begun on a new ballpark for the St. Paul Saints baseball team and the Union Depot of the new light rail system from St. Paul to Minneapolis is located in the area.  Lowertown will become a lot busier in short order.

I didn't stay long at the Bulldog, but my car was covered in heavy, wet snow when I returned.  I slowly picked my way through downtown, heading over to the Cathedral of St. Paul because I knew they were making preparations for the Red Bull Crashed Ice event that weekend.  The roads were slippery and impassable and I gave up my effort before my car got stuck in the snow.  I wasn't so lucky when I got home.  I had to gun the engine to make it into my driveway and stopped well short of my garage.  I figured I was in for the night and went inside to wait out the storm.

At around midnight, my Wife called and said she was late leaving her client's house because her replacement was late to relieve her.  In addition, her car had been plowed in the small cul-de-sac her client lived.  She asked if I could come help her shovel her car out of the snow.  When I tried to leave, my car was stuck solid in the driveway.  I did my best to shovel my way free, but could only get a little movement.  I told my Wife the car appeared to be as stuck as her's was and she should prepare to bed down there for the night.

I spent a little more time trying to get my car free and managed to get it closer to the road before getting stuck again.  This time, my wheels spun freely as the ten inches of snow had lifted my car from the driveway.  It was about 1a by this time and my jeans were frozen solid.  In fact I could hold the pant legs up and they maintained their shape, like metal duct work.  I decided to call it quits and go to bed.

An hour later, my Wife called again to say she was able to dig herself out with some help and on her way home.  She wondered if she could get into the driveway.  I told her I was able to get my car almost to the end, but she should have room so that her back end wasn't in the street.  I went outside again and cleared a small entry way in the snow.  She was able to get snug in behind my car, and although she was parked on the sidewalk, she wasn't in danger of getting hit by a plow.  

The next day, I notified my boss I was working from home at MNDoT had recommended no unnecessary travel and I had to get my wife's car out of the driveway before I could get mine clear.  I shoveled snow from 8:30a to about 1p before I was able to get my car onto the street.  After lunch, I shoveled for a few more hours and was able to clear the sidewalk, front walk, front porch, and entryway to the driveway.  My neighbor helped clear some of my driveway with his snow blower, but otherwise we just let it get packed down.  I had to throw snow higher than my head to get it over the seven foot high berm my front yard had become.  Thankfully, we haven't had any more snow since the storm. We wouldn't have any place to put it!

No. 048:  02-17-2014
For President's Day, the 35W bridge was lit up
in red, white, and blue.

No. 049:  02-18-2014
Wells Fargo Center building reflected in the IDS Tower.

No. 050:  02-19-2014
Washington Avenue bridge in downtown Minneapolis

No. 051:  02-20-2014
The snow starting to fall in Mears Park.

No. 052:  02-21-2014
The neighborhood buried in snow.

No. 053:  02-22-2014
The birdbath is almost entirely covered by snow.

No. 054:  02-23-2014
Once we freed ourselves, we took Jack and Jill for a run
at Battle Creek Park.  They were desperate to get outside.

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