Saturday, March 8, 2014

365 in 365 for 2014: Images 041 through 047

In this week of pictures, we have scenes of winter, a different kind of scenes of winter, and weekend volleyball.  Valentine's Day fell on a Friday and the Wife and I did what all old married couples do for Valentine's Day - ignored it; although she did get me a tie with hearts on it, some body wash and super hero socks.  Don't worry, she was taken care of. She bought herself a small basket filled with numerous tulips.  Hey, what can I say?  I'm a romantic.

No. 041:  02-10-2014
Dead center is the Witch's Hat water tower.  To the left, the yellow
building is a new development of campus housing for the U of MN.

No. 042:  02-11-2014
There are few iconic buildings of St. Paul, but I think the most
iconic is the 1st National Bank Building downtown.

No. 043:  02-12-2014
The cobblestone sidewalk of Main Street in Minneapolis.
I'll have to take a picture in the spring for comparison as most of
the trees shown have green Emerald Ash Borer bands on them,

meaning they will be removed. 

No. 044:  02-13-2014
Minneapolis at dusk.  There are good signs the winter is ending.
The days are staying lighter longer.

No. 045:  02-14-2014
Happy Valentine's Day!  The weather cooperated and provided a
bright, sunny day.  Here is the facade of Target Field.
Like Punxsutawney Phil, I can see my shadow, but there's only
 5 weeks of winter (Vernal Equinox is March 20).

No. 046:  02-15-2014
G-Bug serving.  Probably an ace.

No. 047:  02-16-2014
G-Bug spiking.  Probably left a bruise on an opponent.

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