Monday, September 8, 2014

365 in 365 for 2014: Images 097 through 103

If I'm not careful, the weather might just lap me. We've finished the first week of September and already the forecasts are calling for highs in the 50's later this week and overnight temperatures in the 30's. Still warmer than April. September 22nd may be the autumnal equinox, but let's face it, Summer's over.

Not that I'm totally depressed that Fall is almost here. In fact, September and October are my favorite months of the year. I've always had more of a sense of "rebirth" when a new school year started. The weather may be cooler, but pleasant, and you start the month in a new class with a fresh haircut, an updated wardrobe, and a bright eyed hope to the great things you'll accomplish during the year. Then in November, the bottom falls out and you're ready for the holiday break. Once you return, you count the days to Summer like a soldier whose "short" on his tour of duty.

Lucky for me, I've been employed full-time for many years (some of them gainfully) and I mark time differently. It's all about fiscal quarters and fiscal years and September is the end of the next quarter. It also marks my 5th anniversary at my current job. Yeah, September will be a good month; so, here's some pictures from April.

No. 097: 04-07-2014
Once the ice is off the river, boats are ready for cruises.

No. 098:  04-08-2014
An old trolley line converted to a biking and walking path.

No. 099:  04-09-2014
I just liked the way the fire escape went in a diagonal across
the side of the building.

No. 100:  04-10-2014
Anyone else pick up the late 80's remake of 'The Blob' vibe?

No. 101:  04-11-2014
When the ice melts, the river begins to swell.

No. 102:  04-12-2014
The U of M had a couple big fires near campus. This one took out
some student housing.  Fortunately, no one died.

No. 103:  04-13-2014
A blurry evening shot of the Lowry Street bridge.

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