Sunday, March 31, 2013

365 in 365: Images 070 to 076

Week 11 of pictures.  I really lost the passion during the weekend, so used two photos I took in February.  I hope you enjoy the scroll anyway.

No. 070:  03-11-13 (place holder)
An entrance to some high end apartments on Washington St. in
the North Loop area of Minneapolis

No. 071:  03-12-13
A train yard near the University of MN

No. 072:  03-13-13
The latest "McMansion" on the road around Lake of the Isles
Not crazy about the two-toned sides

No. 073:  03-14-13
Another staple of the downtown St. Paul scene
On a personal note, this date is my sister's birthday.
Happy Birthday, Sis!

No. 074:  03-15-13
Landmark Center across from Rice Park

No. 075:  03-16-13 (place holder)
Father Hennepin Park area of Minneapolis taken from
the Stone Arch Bridge in February

No. 076:  03-17-13 (place holder)
View of Minneapolis from Boom Island, just north of Nicollet Island and
no longer really an island

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