Sunday, March 31, 2013

New Year's Resolutions: Quarterly Update

Today is March 31st and Easter Sunday.  It also marks the end of a quarter year and I thought this would be a good time to see how I'm tracking to my 2013 New Year's resolutions.

  • Post at least 315 pictures for the "365 in 365" project for 2013.  
    • Update:  Although I am behind in posting regular weekly updates for my picture project, I do have pictures covering through Saturday.  Of the total 89 pictures, I have used 6 "place holders," so 93% of the pictures were taken on the day they represent.  I was hoping to post over 315 pictures by year end, so I'm on a good pace to meet this goal.
  • Make at least 6 posts per month to my "Novel Ideas" blog
    • Update:  I have made 22 posts to my blog prior to this one, or an average of more than 7 posts a month.  Doing good so far.
  • Lose 11% of my body weight, roughly 2 pounds per month
    • Update:  This morning I weighed 219 pounds, which is 6 pounds lighter than at the beginning of the year.  That is an average of 2 pounds per month.  Thumbs up!
  • Have +$360 in savings account by year end
    • Update:  I've been very good at saving a little bit every paycheck, but the belt has begun to tighten.  I should have +$90 now, but I'm +$50.  The Wifey and I will be getting a decent tax refund this year, so I can get myself back on plan.

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