Sunday, September 22, 2013

365 in 365: Images 196 through 202

Made it to the 200th day/photo!  This week's series of photos includes a couple from our family vacation to Cape Cod.  I'm starting to close the gap!

No. 196:  07-15-2013
One of several Snoopy statues around
St. Paul.  This one is outside the 5*8 Tavern
near our house.  They are famous for the
"Juicy Lucy" but the best is found at
Tuggs Tavern, IMO.

No. 197:  07-16-2013 (placeholder)
Is the logo for Notre Dame the new Jesus fish?

No. 198:  07-17-2013
An interactive periodic table in the chemistry building at the U of M

No. 199:  07-18-2013
A river cruise embarkation area near the U of M

No.200:  07-19-2013
A full duffle bag in preparation for vacation.

No. 201:  07-20-2013
Straight on to the Cape!

No. 202:  07-21-2013
Minnesota has cabins.  The Cape has cottages.

365 in 365: Images 189 through 195

I can't claim to have been particularly inspired to find subjects to take pictures of for this week (the second of July).  We were deep into summer, I was getting overwhelmed at work and looking forward to our vacation.  I was in survival mode and just trying to get through the week.

No. 189:  07-08-2013
Found another car that was crushed by a tree limb for the
storm a couple weeks prior.

No. 190:  07-09-2013
A view of St. Paul further down the Mississippi River.

No.191:  07-10-2013
Some boats on Lake Calhoun.

No. 192:  07-11-2013
The "quad" area on the U of M campus.

No. 193:  07-12-2013
A better view of St. Paul taken from the high bridge
of Highway 149.

No. 194:  07-13-2013
More boats on Lake Calhoun

No. 195:  07-14-2013
Same boats, different angle of Lake Calhoun

Sports, Sports, Sports, Sports

It was a full week of sports for me, in as much I will be updating you on the three sports-related activities I'm involved in.  In related news, the Red Sox secured the AL East pennant for just the 7th time in team history and yesterday the Gophers football team beat San Jose State to go to 4-0 against non-conference teams.  They seem like a good team this year, but the U of M has historically played pathetically within their conference. Here's hoping they buck the trend.

I bowled last week after having one week off to take a business trip to Winnipeg. I'm not yet in bowling condition, but that didn't stop me from getting my own ball.  My nickname among some of my friends and colleagues is "Frank the Tank," and I've taken a step to secure its permanence.

My scores from last week weren't all that great.  Maybe with the new ball, I'll show some improvement.  It's heavier than I'm used to, so it's going to take some time, but I have until April to build up some strength.

September 19, 2013
Game 1
62, 61, S81, X, 71, 81, X, 7/, S62, 6- = 109

Game 2
52, X, 81, 9/, 9-, X, X, X, S72, 53 = 156

Game 3
9-, 8-, 8/, 9/, 9-, 9-, S7-, 71, 9/, 3/8 = 119

Series Total:    384
Series Avg.:     128
Season Avg.:    127
Season Hdcp.:  65

Last Sunday, my Fantasy Football team came thisclose to winning its first game (out of two week played so far).  I was about 25 points shy of my opponent, but had my best receiver playing on Monday night.  I figured if he got 8 catches for 140 yards and a touchdown, that would give me enough points for the win; and this stat line wasn’t out of the realm of possibility for him.  He ended up with 6 catches for 41 yards and I fell well short of victory.  On the plus side, this week I play against the only other team at 0-2, so my odds are quite good.  Whether at winning or losing, I’m not sure.

In the football pool, I picked 8 of 16 games correctly.  I’m now in 7th place of 12 players and 8 points away from first place.  The fact I’m having a slow start on all my seasons is an understatement.

365 in 365: Images 182 through 188

The week of pictures contained in this post commemorates two special events.  The first in order and importance to me is G-Bug's birthday, the other is the Fourth of July.  I had to go it alone for the Fourth as the Wifey had to work late.  I decided to take in the fireworks at the Riverplace as I had only been there a couple times and not for several years since.  I didn't get a good view because I picked a spot expecting the display to be over the river.  Turns out, I misjudged where over the river and the actual show was to my right and obscured by trees.

The atmosphere prior to the atmosphere was great, as Main Street was packed and there were food trucks and street performers everywhere.  I stopped at one truck to get a burrito, only to get most of the sauce on my nice, white T-shirt.  After the display, leaving the scene was a nightmare and took nearly an hour just to get out of the parking garage.  Still, it was a nice night to celebrate the country's independence.

No. 182:  07-01-13 (placeholder)
Lake Calhoun on a summer day

No. 183:  07-02-13
Happy Birthday, G-Bug!
She was about 7 months old in this picture.

No. 184:  07-03-2013
Here she is on the day we were able to celebrate with her.

No.185:  07-04-2013
People were starting to line up on the Stone Arch Bridge
hours in advance of the fireworks.

No. 186:  07-05-2013 (placeholder)
The mood at Riverplace was electric.

No. 187:  07-06-2013 (placeholder)
This is the most crowded I have ever seen the Stone Arch Bridge.

No. 188:  07-07-2013 (placeholder)
After the show at Riverplace, there were others I could see
in the distance while I waited in the parking garage.  Best I could
do was get a picture of Hennepin Ave Bridge lit up.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

365 in 365: Images 175 through 181

Finally getting to the end of June.  While the Wifey and I were in Chicago, the Twin Cities experienced some severe thunderstorms.  We were concerned because we have a large maple tree dominating our back yard that drops loose branches whenever the wind picks up.  This week of pictures captured the weather damage around Minneapolis/St. Paul.

No. 175:  06-24-2013
A tree taking down a power line at a park near our house

No. 176:  06-25-2013
The shredded remains of a tree and a fence

No. 177:  06-26-2013
A snapped tree narrowly missing a house on the River Road

No. 178:  06-27-2013
The flooded Mississippi River near downtown St. Paul

No. 179:  06-28-2013
Winds pulled this tree, and many others, right out of the ground

No. 180:  06-29-2013
Damaged historical marker near Riverplace in Minneapolis

No. 181:  06-30-2013
The remains of a pine tree that collapsed on this car

Football Just Isn't My Game

In so many ways.

I was a scrawny youth and was typically picked on by the football players in high school. And the hockey players.  And the wrestlers.  Some members of the tennis team.  As I got older, I would attend my alma mater's home games (JMU won the Div I-AA championship in 2004, an event I watched on ESPN2 while in Phoenix) and watch the pros on TV Sundays and Mondays, mostly for the social aspect (i.e. recovering from hangovers with my college friends).

My choice of pro teams to root for varied.  My first favorite team was the Pittsburgh Steelers, mostly because they had won the most Super Bowls at the time.  Being a front runner fan doesn't take a lot of sophistication.  Growing up in Connecticut, I had a choice of the Patriots, Jets, and Giants.  My Dad liked Phil Simms and Bill Parcells of the Giants, so I followed his lead.  I started cheering for the Saints when they had their top linebacker core.  After college, I didn't spend much time following football.  I was living in Boston when the Patriots got Drew Bledsoe, but moved to Minnesota a few months later; and where I've been living for 17 years as of next month.  I think of the Vikings as the football equivalent to the pre-2004 Red Sox; mostly bad to mediocre seasons with some good ones mixed in, and constantly shooting themselves in the foot when they are good enough to get to the championship.

My lack of attention didn't stop me from participating in various football pools at work and I've been part of a family one (the Wifey's family) for the last four years.  I was the top dog for one season in that pool, but haven't been tearing it up otherwise.  I was eager to try Fantasy Football in my buddy's league and the family pool was re-upped for the 2013-14 season.

I got off to a cold start for the first week.  The Seahawks didn't play very well that week and my top Running Back and Wide Receiver are from this team.  My Tight End got more fantasy points than the two of them combined.  I lost the first game of the season 166-127.  In the process, I lost a couple players due to injury and there weren't a lot of options available for replacement.

As for the football pool, I made a bold prediction in the Smack Talk section, saying I was going to know so much about football because of my Fantasy team that I would need to start a regimen of squat thrusts considering the constant view of my behind everyone else was going to have.  The range of correct picks in the pool ranged from 13 to 4.  I got 6, so I was toward the bottom of the standings.

I will use the sports cliche that there is still a lot of football to play yet.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Does Being A Bowling League Treasurer & Secretary Look Good On A Resume?

A better question is:  does pulling funds from my retirement account to buy my own ball and shoes constitute sound financial planning?

I mean, who hasn't dreamed about becoming a professional bowling and poker player? Just me?

The new bowling season started on Thursday, September 5 and due to sinking $300 in car repairs, I was reduced to using a house ball and shoes . . . again!  My duties as Treasurer & Secretary not only include taking dues and filing paperwork, but it apparently also includes advising newcomers how to keep score and where the bathrooms are, as well as directing captains what they should do when a player doesn't show up.  I have to bite my tongue before saying, "get a better captain."

So, as G-Bug uses her height to her advantage for her JV volleyball team, I will use my ability to drink beer as an advantage to roll a ball.  I'm using a heavier ball now (14lbs - I already told you about my limp wrist!) to train for when I do get my own ball.  I'm going to use the first month as my spring training to get into game shape.  After the last week I had, there is definitely room for improvement. Never have I thrown so many first balls into the gutter.

Game 1
8-, S51, 9/, 8/, 0/, 6/, 9-, 9-, X, 08 = 121

Game 2
63, S81, 81, S7-, X, 9/, 9-, 8/, 72, S7- = 115

Game 3
09, 9/, S7-, S8-, 09, X, X, 9/, X, 8/8 = 147

Series Total:  383
Series Avg.:  127
Est Hdcp.:  67

Cape Cod Vacation: The Saga Continues

Friday.  Saturday. Sunday. Monday.  Okay, I'm just about halfway complete with documenting the one vacation I took this summer.  Although we lost the youngest of the adult members of our family when my sister headed home, we still had lots of fun things to see and do.

The agenda for Tuesday was to travel to P-Town (Provincetown to the uninitiated) to do some shopping and top notch people watching.  P-Town is a Mecca for the LGBT community and draws all sorts of artists, writers, poets, entertainers, and people who just don't give a shit about what people think of them anymore, as well as their patrons and gawkers.  It's a small seaside town, but packed to the gills with people.

But first, we had a family game morning at the kitchen table.  My brother and his family like to play the board game Dixit.  This is essentially a cross between Apples To Apples and Balderdash.  Each player gets a turn to "tell a story," which could be a phrase, gesture, or sound.  All players have a hand of cards with pictures on them and each puts in the best match for the story.  Players can earn points by selecting the card the storyteller played or having other players select his/her offering.  Each player has a game piece that marks the number of points earned until someone reaches the end and wins.  The rules are simple enough that G-Bug and my nephews were all able to play.  Although the oldest, I probably had the least mature story, as I went with "who farted?"  The accompanying pictures from all the players made the story hilarious.

Around lunchtime we headed to P-Town.  The day was one of the hottest of the trip with bright sun and blue sky.  There was a long line of cars at the first turn off the highway into town so we traveled on to the next light.  This took us by our usual parking lot we use when we visit, but the lot was already full.  We headed toward the tower and circled the area until we lucked out and found a spot someone had just vacated.  We were just two blocks away from the main drag (considering this was P-Town I feel obligated to say "no pun intended").  We met the rest of our group across the street from a Pilgrim memorial.

We did a little bit of window shopping as we made a slow progress down Commercial Street.  The streets were jammed with people, bicyclists, and the occasional car or service van.  A short time passed before we were starting to get hungry, so we made our way to a small food court nearby.  Everyone had a different taste in mind for lunch, so each person went to his/her choice and we met on a deck overlooking the water.  There was a bar on the deck and my brother, the Wifey, and I got a beer.  I just had a bowl of clam chowder for lunch while others got chicken, burritos or hamburgers.  We were able to get a table with an open umbrella to shade us and allow us to enjoy the view.

We did more active shopping after lunch.  There were a couple boutique-style stores that G-Bug liked and she bought a shirt at one store.  My brother bought her some perfume at this store as a birthday gift.  Also at this store was an artist's portfolio which contained several drawings of men (one endowed with what looked like a fence post) in various stages of "relations."  My oldest nephew flipped through a few pages with a look of shock on his face.  I told him he should probably just close the book.  Unlike most instruction, he followed this one immediately.

We only toured a small section of Commercial Street before the heat and humidity started to take their toil.  We had to make one more stop at Cuffy's, the true indicator of a successful Cape Cod trip.  On every trip to the Cape, my family had stopped at this store to get a sweatshirt or T-shirt.  My closet holds 4 or 5 sweatshirts and my dresser is filled with twice as many T-shirts, but I opted for one more T-shirt this trip.  I found a nice gray one for Cape League baseball.  One of the best things about Cuffy's shirts is they are ready to wear soft right off the shelf.  Most souvenir shop shirts feel scratchy to me and I have to wash them before wearing them.  We stopped at Twisted Pizza and Ice Cream before heading home.

We had a couple hours to rest and freshen up before the couples headed out for a night of their own.  The Tutus agreed to watch the kids while the parents had a chance to whoop it up.  Our evening started at the Wicked Oyster, a fancy restaurant located in Wellfleet. We showed up a little early for our 7:30 reservations, but they were able to accommodate us.  We had a round of drinks before dinner and another round during.  Knowing we were going to close our Cape vacation with a lobster dinner, I stayed away from most of the seafood.  I finally settled on the duck trio.  It was very good, but too much food, and I had to leave some on my plate.

Monday, September 2, 2013

365 in 365: Images 168 through 174

The Wifey and I were able to ring in the summer this year by traveling to Chicago for her cousin's wedding.  On the way there, we witnessed what was my first "real live" accident on the highway.  We had just gotten onto the toll road where construction had narrowed the lanes.  A GMC SUV was trying to merge with traffic from an on-ramp and made no effort to change speed or course to accommodate the semi one car ahead of us. The SUV collided with the back end of the trailer, making it bounce.  The car in front of us braked hard and I worried we would rear end it.  

We managed to get into the next lane and saw the damage to the SUV.  The side view mirror dangled like a partially severed limb and the left front tire was flat. The driver side window had spider-webbed and we couldn't see the driver as the side air bag had deployed.  The front bumper was also missing.  We did our best by calling 9-1-1 to report the accident and further down the road we saw the car who was in front of us had pulled over behind the truck that had the accident. The driver had his head in his hand as he spoke with someone on his cell phone. The driver probably knew he had an accident, but there was no shoulder to speak of for miles where it happened and he couldn't pull over right away.

I swear I've seen a lot of things in my life, but THAT . . . WAS . . . AWESOME! Sorry about your car, dude.  That sucks.

No. 168:  06-17-2013 (placeholder)
The buildings of St. Anthony Main

No. 169:  06-18-2013
Gorgeous sunset from McKnight Road in St. Paul

No. 170:  06-19-2013 (placeholder)
Sailboats on Lake Calhoun

No. 171:  06-20-2013
Night time at St. Paul's Cathedral

No. 172:  06-21-2013 Summer Solstice
We didn't do sightseeing in Chicago until the Sunday after the
start of Summer.

No. 173:  06-22-2013 (placeholder)
We hit the Navy Pier as part of our tour

No. 174:  06-23-2013
Although the family looks like they were posing for me, they were
not part of our group.