Sunday, September 15, 2013

365 in 365: Images 175 through 181

Finally getting to the end of June.  While the Wifey and I were in Chicago, the Twin Cities experienced some severe thunderstorms.  We were concerned because we have a large maple tree dominating our back yard that drops loose branches whenever the wind picks up.  This week of pictures captured the weather damage around Minneapolis/St. Paul.

No. 175:  06-24-2013
A tree taking down a power line at a park near our house

No. 176:  06-25-2013
The shredded remains of a tree and a fence

No. 177:  06-26-2013
A snapped tree narrowly missing a house on the River Road

No. 178:  06-27-2013
The flooded Mississippi River near downtown St. Paul

No. 179:  06-28-2013
Winds pulled this tree, and many others, right out of the ground

No. 180:  06-29-2013
Damaged historical marker near Riverplace in Minneapolis

No. 181:  06-30-2013
The remains of a pine tree that collapsed on this car

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