Sunday, September 8, 2013

Does Being A Bowling League Treasurer & Secretary Look Good On A Resume?

A better question is:  does pulling funds from my retirement account to buy my own ball and shoes constitute sound financial planning?

I mean, who hasn't dreamed about becoming a professional bowling and poker player? Just me?

The new bowling season started on Thursday, September 5 and due to sinking $300 in car repairs, I was reduced to using a house ball and shoes . . . again!  My duties as Treasurer & Secretary not only include taking dues and filing paperwork, but it apparently also includes advising newcomers how to keep score and where the bathrooms are, as well as directing captains what they should do when a player doesn't show up.  I have to bite my tongue before saying, "get a better captain."

So, as G-Bug uses her height to her advantage for her JV volleyball team, I will use my ability to drink beer as an advantage to roll a ball.  I'm using a heavier ball now (14lbs - I already told you about my limp wrist!) to train for when I do get my own ball.  I'm going to use the first month as my spring training to get into game shape.  After the last week I had, there is definitely room for improvement. Never have I thrown so many first balls into the gutter.

Game 1
8-, S51, 9/, 8/, 0/, 6/, 9-, 9-, X, 08 = 121

Game 2
63, S81, 81, S7-, X, 9/, 9-, 8/, 72, S7- = 115

Game 3
09, 9/, S7-, S8-, 09, X, X, 9/, X, 8/8 = 147

Series Total:  383
Series Avg.:  127
Est Hdcp.:  67

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