Sunday, September 22, 2013

365 in 365: Images 196 through 202

Made it to the 200th day/photo!  This week's series of photos includes a couple from our family vacation to Cape Cod.  I'm starting to close the gap!

No. 196:  07-15-2013
One of several Snoopy statues around
St. Paul.  This one is outside the 5*8 Tavern
near our house.  They are famous for the
"Juicy Lucy" but the best is found at
Tuggs Tavern, IMO.

No. 197:  07-16-2013 (placeholder)
Is the logo for Notre Dame the new Jesus fish?

No. 198:  07-17-2013
An interactive periodic table in the chemistry building at the U of M

No. 199:  07-18-2013
A river cruise embarkation area near the U of M

No.200:  07-19-2013
A full duffle bag in preparation for vacation.

No. 201:  07-20-2013
Straight on to the Cape!

No. 202:  07-21-2013
Minnesota has cabins.  The Cape has cottages.

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