Monday, September 2, 2013

365 in 365: Images 161 through 167

The weather is growing cooler in Minnesota now that's its September and summer is winding down.  On the plus side, I can relive my summer by posting a week's worth of pictures for the next couple of weeks.  Where has the time gone?  Truth be told, September and October are my favorite months of the year, so I'm really looking forward to the next few weeks.  But first, let's review what I saw at the beginning of June.

No. 161:  06-10-2013 (placeholder)
Better than the hand painted panel vans I see cruising in my
neighborhood.  Like the throwback look.

No. 162:  06-11-2013
Summer is here once the ice and dead fish are replaced by
lily pads on Beaver Lake.  Giggity!

No. 163:  06-12-2013 (placeholder)
Part of the North Loop neighborhood of Minneapolis

No. 164:  06-13-2013
Sunset over the Mississippi River

No. 165:  06-14-2013
The Grain Belt Beer sign is actually on a high school's grounds.
The compromise to tearing it down is never lighting it up.

No. 166:  06-15-2013
A classic car showing as part of the Father Hennepin Park Art Fair

No. 167:  06-16-2013 Father's Day
A wonderfully bright, warm day to celebrate being a Dad

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