Monday, September 2, 2013

365 in 365: Images 168 through 174

The Wifey and I were able to ring in the summer this year by traveling to Chicago for her cousin's wedding.  On the way there, we witnessed what was my first "real live" accident on the highway.  We had just gotten onto the toll road where construction had narrowed the lanes.  A GMC SUV was trying to merge with traffic from an on-ramp and made no effort to change speed or course to accommodate the semi one car ahead of us. The SUV collided with the back end of the trailer, making it bounce.  The car in front of us braked hard and I worried we would rear end it.  

We managed to get into the next lane and saw the damage to the SUV.  The side view mirror dangled like a partially severed limb and the left front tire was flat. The driver side window had spider-webbed and we couldn't see the driver as the side air bag had deployed.  The front bumper was also missing.  We did our best by calling 9-1-1 to report the accident and further down the road we saw the car who was in front of us had pulled over behind the truck that had the accident. The driver had his head in his hand as he spoke with someone on his cell phone. The driver probably knew he had an accident, but there was no shoulder to speak of for miles where it happened and he couldn't pull over right away.

I swear I've seen a lot of things in my life, but THAT . . . WAS . . . AWESOME! Sorry about your car, dude.  That sucks.

No. 168:  06-17-2013 (placeholder)
The buildings of St. Anthony Main

No. 169:  06-18-2013
Gorgeous sunset from McKnight Road in St. Paul

No. 170:  06-19-2013 (placeholder)
Sailboats on Lake Calhoun

No. 171:  06-20-2013
Night time at St. Paul's Cathedral

No. 172:  06-21-2013 Summer Solstice
We didn't do sightseeing in Chicago until the Sunday after the
start of Summer.

No. 173:  06-22-2013 (placeholder)
We hit the Navy Pier as part of our tour

No. 174:  06-23-2013
Although the family looks like they were posing for me, they were
not part of our group.

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